User:Panalean 2
Men should have a routine Panalean Review calorie intake of about 3000-3500 where as women need to have a routine calorie intake of about 2000-2500. for losing one pound of body fat, you need to lower your calorie intake by 500 calories each day.
Fiber helps in enhancing digestion thereby contributing to a clean bowel and colon. Colon and bowel problems often lead to belly bloat. Moreover, excessive build up of toxins in the bowel and colon reduces the metabolism of fat. Hence, prefer increasing the intake of fibrous foods like fruits, whole grains and vegetables.
Water does play a key role in losing belly fat. When dehydrated, your liver reduces the metabolism of fat, thereby leading to excessive accumulation of fat. Moreover drinking water in sufficient amounts gives your stomach a feeling of fullness thereby lowering your appetite. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
Sleep well for effective belly fat loss. Lack of leptin (a hormone) has been associated with obesity. If you fail to get adequate sleep, you fail to accumulate enough if leptin that helps in regulating hunger. Be sure to sleep for eight hours (minimum).
Perform abdominal exercises to grow musculature below existing fat. Perform a set of 50-1oo crunches (4-5 days in a week) to strengthen the muscles surrounding the belly area.