User:Organifi Green Juice
Taking supplemental [1] garlic improves the elasticity of blood vessel walls. Garlic also reduces cholesterol and acts like a natural blood thinner. Best of all, garlic supplements reduce the size of plaque deposits by nearly 50 percent. In a four-year study of 152 cardiac patients, a daily dose of 900 mg. significantly slowed the development of atherosclerosis. While this is great news for anyone with clogged arteries, it's especially good it you've been diagnosed with PAD.
The heart-healthy benefits of garlic are due, in large part, to a compound called allicin. This sulfur-rich substance is activated when the clove is crushed and allowed to sit for about 10 minutes. Allicin is then further broken down to a compound called ajoene, which may be the substance that inhibits blockage in blood vessels from clots and atherosclerosis.
Then there's ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo helps improve circulation, making it a perfect fit for people with PAD. In one double-blind study, 111 people with PAD were given either ginkgo or a placebo for 24 weeks. By the end of the study, those taking the herb were able to walk significantly farther without pain than those taking the placebo. Typically, people with PAD take a total of 240 mg. of ginkgo daily in divided doses. However, if you are taking blood thinners, avoid taking ginkgo.