One of the challenges you face when Nutrisystem raising a toddler is introducing all sorts of new and wonderful foods to them. There may be a lot of times when it seems they are barely eating enough to sustain a bird, let alone a body who is constantly on the move! How do you know how much to feed them?
Generally toddlers are very good at listening to their hunger and satiety cues. Sometimes as parents, we don't trust their cues and think "Surely they must be hungry! They haven't eaten in three hours!" This is where the feeding relationship comes in. Your role as a parent is to buy healthy food, and prepare it in nutritious and creative ways. Let your child determine how much, and when and if they eat. Erratic eating habits are normal for little kids - they may eat well one day and practically nothing the next day. It's much less stressful to look at your child's eating habits on a weekly basis - not daily. I strongly believe in this type of feeding relationship and definitely use it with my children.
Here are some basic guidelines toddler portion sizes which can be helpful to gauge if the portion you are serving is appropriate for their needs. These guidelines are generally for daily amounts.Juicing is a fast and simple way to increase the amount of beneficial nutrients and enzymes you get in your diet. If you are already a juicer or just a beginner, you will find in this article some tips and techniques to make juicing easier and more beneficial.