User:Lash Energizer
Starchy foods increase the body's insulin levels. Lash Energizer Review This causes the body to store fat quickly, to decrease the metabolism and to increase the appetite. In short High insulin levels tell the body to hold on to its fat cells, no matter what. Constantly high insulin levels can even cause muscle loss a vicious circle for people who cannot do without their sweets. I had achieved this by avoiding sugar, alcohol and empty carbohydrates like white flour and rice. Eating only food with low glycemic index keeps insulin levels low and makes losing weight easy. But you have to stick to avoiding starch for weeks or months to reap the benefits. Recent research has shown the impact of empty carbohydrates on insulin levels and consecutively body weight.
The only way to eat sweets without causing a peak in blood sugar and insulin levels is after a serious workout. Some people call this the magic window for eating sweets. However, experts agree that eating a bit of sugar directly after a serious workout is immediately absorbed by the muscles. The emphasis however is on serious. Leisurely taking a walk does not count as such.
For a serious workout you should raise your heart rate by at least 60 per cent for around 30 minutes. Checking your heart rate per minute is easy. Take your pulse and count it for 10 seconds with the help of a stop watch. Most mobile phones have stop watches nowadays. Multiply the result with 6 and you have your heart rate.Modern cardio machines in gyms tell you the heart rate so you can exactly control if you have earned your sweets. You can also use a portable heart rate monitor.
Happiness, sadness, joy, anxiety, anger or fear. These emotions take us from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other and back again. This is all fine and well, until our emotions get the better of us and make us do things that we wouldn't normally do. Today, I want to talk to you about one of these emotional "side-effects" which hits many of us quite often, and puts our fat loss goals in jeopardy whenever it does.