User:Keto Blaze Review4
Weight gain follows a predetermined Keto Blaze order within our body. Men usually put it on around their mid section first. Women normally put it on around their hips and thighs. Unfortunately, these are also the areas which tend to be the last from which fat will disappear. Disappointingly for most, we cannot target a certain area form which to lose fat. It is impossible, for example, for men to only lose fat from their stomachs to the exclusion of other areas.
If you want, you can waste your money on "sauna belts," wraps, creams, lotions, gels, pills and all kinds of other scams, but in the end you'll discover the truth for yourself You have to burn lower abdominal fat like any other body fat --- through exercise and nutrition -- and abdominal fat is simply the last place to go. Tom Venuto, author of the net's number one book on weight loss, gives us a very good analogy to keep in mind:
"Think of abdominal fat as the shallow end of a swimming pool. No matter how much you protest, you cannot drain the shallow end before the deep end. The shallow end will drain for certain, but it will be the LAST place to drain." So, in order to lose weight from any one area, we need to have an all body weight loss plan. We must use up more calories than we take in. It's not rocket science. The problems arise from how we decide to ensure that we use up more calories than we take in. We only have three options: Reduce the number of calories we take in. (Diet) Increase the number we use. (exercise) Combine both of the above.