User:Fungus Hacks Review
Peripheral neuropathy Fungus Hacks Review is a broad term describing disease of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord. While it typically refers to abnormal nerve function in the legs, it can also refer to symptoms in the arms and hands as well. The overall disease can have many different causes, but the underlying symptom in common is decreased sensation. Decreased sensation can take on a broad definition with multiple levels of severity. In some cases, the decreased sensation is imperceptible to the person with peripheral neuropathy and is noticeable only on a medical exam.
Testing for inabilities to feel the difference between a pin-prick and a flat object, vibration, and light stroking touch can reveal the sensation loss. On the other hand, peripheral neuropathy can also lead to outright numbness. The foot can feel heavy, padded, swollen, or creased as a result of this numbness. More advanced cases of peripheral neuropathy actually have painful sensations as part of the symptoms. These include burning pain (like the foot is on fire), tingling (like the foot is waking up from 'being asleep'), pins and needles poking sensation, and sharp, shooting, electrical pains. The most advanced cases affect the way the diseased nerves control the muscles of the leg and foot.
Cramping, weakness, minor balance loss, and muscle wasting can be seen in severe cases of peripheral neuropathy. Even the skin is not spared the effects of peripheral neuropathy, as the nervous system controls automatic functions like sweating through the autonomic nervous system. Decreased nerve control leads to less sweating and oil production, leading to dry and cracked skin as a direct result of peripheral neuropathy. The conditions that cause peripheral neuropathy are numerous and broad. They include diabetes, which is the most common cause currently, as well as spinal disease, strokes, polio, vitamin B and folate deficiencies, infectious diseases like syphilis, certain medications, chemotherapy for cancer, surgical or radiological nerve damage, and a wide variety of neuromuscular disorders like muscular dystrophies, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy. Another cause is genetic and not well understood.
Known as idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, this condition simply arises out of the blue without any discernable cause. In many cases, someone in the family has also had poor sensation, giving credence to a genetic cause developing later in life. All of the above diseases each can have slightly different symptoms associated with their peripheral neuropathy, given that the function of nerve tissue is affected in slightly different ways. However, the end result for the foot is generally the same for most all causes, with the exception of polio or neuromuscular disorders which are nearly always accompanied by foot deformities.