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Knowing that humor and simplicity DeepSearchPro are divine qualities that need to be expressed The higher one goes on the scale of evolution and the greater one becomes in spirituality, the more simple, child-like, and humorous one becomes. Immortals do not take themselves seriously, they know that every effort has its worth. Although the higher spiritual, and Cosmic beings are sweet and simple as compared to the psychological complexities of man, when it comes to the direction of planetary affairs of evolution, their wisdom and intelligence are far beyond the degree reached by humanity. Being simple and humorous eliminates many egoic qualities and raises one's consciousness to a higher spiritual plane. Seeing the humor in one's mistakes, expressions, and failures re-conditions and re-programs the conscious and subconscious minds with patterns of thought expressive of one's divine state of being.
While the dualistic mind sees imperfection everywhere, the Divine Mind only knows and visualizes perfection, beauty, purity, and goodness. Whatever we see, visualize and believe we maintain our focus and attention upon it. If we continuously look for imperfection we maintain its illusory existence in our consciousness. Energy follows thought. By thinking in terms of imperfection we eventually manifest that state or condition in the world of form. Conversely, if we were to visualize perfection we would be manifesting and out-picturing the divine archetypes that God has formulated in the celestial worlds upon the earthly plane. This is the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. Divine thinking entails manifesting one's immortal state, not simply in a spiritual, psychological manner, but in a physical fashion as well. By constantly visualizing, and believing in one's immortality we would eventually display it.