User:CLA Safflower Oil Reviews
Homeopathy, frequently confused CLA Safflower Oil with naturopathy, is a 200-year old system of medicine that is widely accepted and practiced in Europe (even by mainstream doctors). In North America, it is poorly understood, however, and is still on the fringe of what is deemed acceptable by mainstream medicine. The public is becoming more and more interested in Homeopathy, however, and as a result it's becoming increasingly available. Homeopathy works on the principle of 'like cures like'. In other words, proponents of homeopathy believe that, if a substance would produce certain symptoms in a healthy person, a very small amount of that same substance can cure those symptoms in someone who is already experiencing them. For example, the poison arsenic, when taken in significant doses, can produce symptoms that include stomach cramps and vomiting. But if you already have stomach cramps and vomiting (from a virus or food poisoning, or another cause) and your symptoms are similar to those that a larger dose of arsenic would produce, then arsenicum, a homeopathic remedy made from very, very tiny doses of arsenic, will cure your symptoms.
To the uninitiated - those who aren't familiar with homeopathy - this can sound alarming. Are homeopaths really suggesting that you take arsenic as a remedy? Yes ... and no. The homeopathic doses of these remedies are so extremely tiny that, most of the time, there is no measurable amount of the physical substance left. For example, a homeopathic remedy might be made by adding a tiny part of the substance to a gallon of water, than diluting the water even more. In purely physical terms, nothing is left but water. But the substance leaves its vibrational energy behind, and that's what effects the homeopathic healing. It's virtually impossible to 'overdose' on homeopathy, therefore; these remedies are very, very safe The other thing that you should know about homeopathy is that the cause of the symptoms is not important. The remedy is based on the symptoms themselves. To use our previous example, it makes no difference whether stomach cramps and vomiting are caused by a virus or by food poisoning. The symptoms themselves, however, are very important indeed. A homeopath will ask you for a very detailed account of your precise symptoms. It is possible, with homeopathy, for two different people with the 'same' virus to require quite different remedies. And homeopathy can help you lose weight. A homeopathic remedy, fucus vesiculosus, controls the appetite and allows weight loss to occur. A new form of the remedy is available as transdermal patch - that is, a patch that is applied to the skin. Like other homeopathic remedies, the dosage of this remedy is very low, but the patch allows it to enter your body on a continuous basis. Thus, your appetite is curbed and you end up losing weight, over time.