User:Blood Sugar Solution Review Tab1
Alpha-lipoic acid... there is probably no nutritional supplement of greater benefit Blood Sugar Solution Review to type 2 diabetics that will actually help lower blood sugar levels! Acting in the body in many of the same ways as insulin, this potent antioxidant acts inside cells, on the surface of cells, and between them.
Alpha-lipoic acid enables your cellular furnaces known as mitochondria, to burn glucose safely by soaking up the excess free radicals of oxygen that otherwise might injure your cells. It protects the lining of your red blood cells from the caramelization process known as glycosylation, (the process that makes HbA1c), and it encourages the flow of fluid in your tissues so that you might even get a tighter abdomen and a better defined jaw line, even as you gain lower blood sugar levels.
The benefits of alpha-lipoic acid are greatest, however, when taken the right way. The biggest mistake type 2 diabetics make with this supplement is to take too much all at once.