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You can easily make up a nutritious,Blood Sugar Premier diabetes-beating lunch of cold beans or other protein (such as lean meat), a mixed salad, and some carbs in the form of wholemeal bread. Or you could go for low-fat hummus with pita bread and carrot sticks.Snacks are also important at work. Raw carrots or celery cut into short sticks are ideal and are satisfying to crunch on. If you find them a bit boring you can liven them up with low fat dip, such as soy yoghurt.
Fruits-apples, pears, grapes and raisins-can be used for a quick pick-up. Just remember that raisins are dried grapes and packed with natural sugar, so don't eat too many of them (maximum one-third of the number of grapes you would eat).There are plenty of non-dairy yoghurts you can add into the snack mix. However, you need to read the labels carefully for added 'flavour-enhancing' ingredients, such as sugar, fat and casein, the dairy protein.
Air-popped corn is one of the few processed foods that can be recommended as a snack. It is naturally high in dietary fibre and antioxidants, low in calories and fat, and free of sugar and sodium. The problem is that commercial popcorn contains large amounts of added fat, sugar, and salt which entirely negate its healthfulness. Thus, read the labels carefully before you buy. Or best of all, pop your own corn at home in the microwave. It's easy.
A delicious, protein-rich snack you can make at home and bring to the office in small resealable plastic bags is roasted chickpeas. Simply preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Rinse, drain, and blot dry a can of chickpeas. Toss the chickpeas with a tablespoon of olive oil and spread them out on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until they look golden brown and crispy.