User:Alphanation Combat Fighter Review 1
Scientists have found that it is not Alphanation Combat Fighter always easy to define what "life" is--and determining how some ambiguous entities should be classified is difficult. Viruses are microscopic infectious tidbits that can replicate only inside a cell belonging to an unambiguously living host--and victim. Viruses are intracellular parasites that can only reproduce their own kind by invading an unlucky organism's cells. Viruses are made up of genetic material encased within a protective shell termed a capsid. They are completely unable to reproduce themselves outside of the unfortunate living host cell that they have taken over and destroyed. However, unlike some other parasites--such as bacteria, some fungi, and an assortment of other unappealing organisms--viruses are often considered to be nonliving. Because scientists have such a hard time determining what is alive and what is not on Earth, it's logical to conclude that they will have an even worse time determining whether certain entities are alive or not on distant worlds beyond our own. Any life that very well may exist on faraway worlds would have followed an entirely different line of evolution than living creatures on Earth.
The potential habitability of the clouds of Venus was first proposed in 1967 by the biophysicist Dr. Harold Morowitz (1927-2016) and the famous astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan (1934-1996). Several decades later, the planetary scientists Dr. David Grinspoon (Planetary Science Institute), Dr. Mark Bullock (Southwest Research Institute) and their colleagues further expanded on this theory. To investigate the idea that the Venusian atmosphere could host living tidbits, a series of space probes were dispatched to the planet between 1962 and 1978. The probes revealed that the temperature and pressure conditions in the lower and middle regions of the Venusian atmosphere--at altitudes between 40 and 60 kilometers--would not be hospitable to microbial life. The surface conditions on Venus itself are completely hostile to the evolution of life--with temperatures skyrocketing to more than 860 degrees Fahrenheit. Indeed, this hottest planet in our Sun's family was the ancient victim of a greenhouse effect gone completely mad, and the rocks of Venus are so hot that they actually emit an eerie reddish glow akin to the coils of a toaster.