< 21C3
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Video Files
- The Tracker
- Lectures and Lightning Talks Torrents in a in a ZIP
- Lecture Torrents in a ZIP
- Lighning Talks Torrents in a ZIP
- Incomplete / Old -- Lectures and Lightning Talks Torrents
Ubuntu Setup
- Install Marillat mplayer
- Use this the sources.list: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GuideToHoary
- delete # in front of multiverse lines
- Enter "sudo apt-get update" or "synaptic" in a terminal
- Search with "apt-cache search mplayer" or in "synaptic"
- If do not know what to install, install mplayer-386 with "sudo apt-get install mplayer-386"
- Extend codecs.conf
- $ gunzip -c /usr/share/doc/mplayer-386/examples/codecs.conf.gz | sudo tee /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf
- (respectively mplayer-k6 or whatever instead of mplayer-386)
- $ edit /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf, in Section "audiocodec faad", add: "format 0x706D"
- Have Fun
- Install Marillat mplayer (http://debian.video.free.fr)
- Add Repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list or via Synaptic (Settings-Repositories-Add-Custom)
- (ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main)
- Update Package Lists, install mplayer-<arch>
- Extend codecs.conf
- $ gunzip -c /usr/share/doc/mplayer-386/examples/codecs.conf.gz | sudo tee /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf
- (respectively mplayer-k6 or whatever instead of mplayer-386)
- $ edit /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf, in Section "audiocodec faad", add: "format 0x706D"
- Have Fun
- try -ao sdl if arts does not work
Debian Sarge Setup
- Install Marillat mplayer (http://debian.video.free.fr)
- Add Repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list
- (deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org <dist> main) where <dist> is sarge, etch or sid
- Update Package Lists, install mplayer-<arch>
- (if you encounter depency problems, you probably need to install a more current version of libgcc1)
- Extend codecs.conf
- $ gunzip -c /usr/share/doc/mplayer-*/examples/codecs.conf.gz > /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf
- $ edit /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf, in Section "audiocodec faad", add: "format 0x706D"
- Anyone solved the problem?
Trying to force audio codec driver family libmad... Opening audio decoder: [faad] AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding) MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: init_audio_codec
- Have Fun
Gentoo Setup
- Install mplayer with the given USE flag if not already installed:
mkdir -p /etc/portage && echo "media-video/mplayer mad aac" >> /etc/portage/package.use emerge media-video/mplayer
- Install the necessary codecs if not already installed:
emerge media-libs/faad2
you may also need:
emerge media-libs/faac
- Extend codecs.conf and insert "format 0x706D" into section "audiocodec faad":
vi /usr/share/mplayer/codecs.conf
note: this seems to be unneccessary for later mplayer ebuilds (as of 2006-06-09, it's already in).
- Execute:
mplayer 21c3_Video.avi
- Have Fun!
Darwin Setup
Tested on Darwin 8.1.0
- Install mplayer if not already installed:
port install mplayer
- Copy this codecs.conf to a local directory
- Execute:
mplayer -codecs-file /tmp/codecs.conf 21c3_Video.avi
- Note: the codecs.conf file may also be copied into the ~/.mplayer directory thereby eliminating the need for the execution of mplayer with the -codecs-file argument.
- Have Fun!
- Also have a look at http://machackers.annulator.de/archives/2005/05/21c3videos_anse.html
MacOSX Setup
Tested on MacOSX 10.4
- Install mplayerosx (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mplayerosx/MplayerOSXB8r4.zip?download)/mplayer (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mplayerosx/ffmpegXbinaries230105_G3.zip)
- Copy this codecs.conf to ~/.mplayer
- Have Fun!
FreeBSD Setup
Tested on FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE
- Install mplayer if not already installed:
cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer && make install clean
- Copy this codecs.conf to a local directory
- Execute:
mplayer -codecs-file /tmp/codecs.conf 21c3_Video.avi
- Note: the codecs.conf file may also be copied into the ~/.mplayer directory thereby eliminating the need for the execution of mplayer with the -codecs-file argument.
- Have Fun!
NetBSD Setup
Tested on NetBSD 2.0.2_STABLE
- Install mplayer if not already installed:
cd /usr/pkgsrc/multimedia/mplayer && make install clean
- Copy this codecs.conf to a local directory
- Execute:
mplayer -codecs-file /tmp/codecs.conf 21c3_Video.avi
- Note: the codecs.conf file may also be copied into the ~/.mplayer directory thereby eliminating the need for the execution of mplayer with the -codecs-file argument.
- Have Fun!
Fedora Setup
Tested on Fedora Core 2
- Install mplayer from http://rpm.greysector.net/mplayer/
- Copy this codecs.conf to a local directory
- Execute:
mplayer -codecs-file /tmp/codecs.conf 21c3_Video.avi
- Have Fun!
Windows Setup
Windows users can put this hacked mplayer on the desktop and drop the files on it. Works for most of the videos.
If you want to have a full install of mplayer:
- Install mplayer from http://mplayerhq.hu (MPlayer-mingw32-dev-CVS-050514.zip)
- Edit mplayer\mplayer\codecs.conf and add the entries from here: https://21c3.ccc.de/wiki/index.php/Codecs.conf
- Execute from the cmd prompt:
mplayer 21c3_Video.avi
- Have Fun!
- More verbose Howto