Here is the strangest business model I have ever heard of. A company creates billions of units of a product. They send them to retailers all over the world. The manufacturer then spends millions of dollars in marketing the product. If the retailers don't sell the product they can send the item back -- no questions asked. The Manufacturer, as a way of compensating for returns, raises the price of the item which, of course, makes it less attractive to consumers. Welcome to the world of publishing where this is exactly how things are done. Most publisher have two warehouses: the "happy" warehouse filled books to be distributed to stores and the"sad" warehouse which contains returned books.
The best case for returned books is that they will be resold at cut-rate prices. The worst case is that they will have their spines sliced off and then be dumped into a "recycling" machine to be chewed up and spit out as bales of paper. What makes this especially insane is that most publishers in an effort to create a blockbuster hits, ship an ever-increasing number of books to stores, hoping to hit the jackpot. This means that stores are sending an ever-increasing number back to publishers. In other words 465,000,000 books were returned to publishers for sale as remainders or for destruction. That is a LOT of paper!
4.00 per gallon fuel to truck all those books around the country -- twice. How in this day and age of shrinking resources (paper, water, fuel) and global warming this can possibly continue? Short answer, it can't! So you can imagine my amusement when I look at the New York Times Best Sellers. This week there are two best sellers touting the wonders of going green: Gorgeously Green by Sophie Uliano with a forward by Julia Roberts and Growing Up Green by Diedre Imus. They are, of course, in wide paper distribution. At least 1/3 of them will be returned to the publisher. I think I am going to sit down and write a letter to Sophia, Julia and Diedre explaining that if they are serious about going green they should be pushing their publishers to promote digital books. After all eBooks are not only less expensive for the publisher they are truly earth friendly, green publishing.
That is the strong reason for many individuals prefer purchasing the resell book rights that has already been created. This allows them to spend more time on marketing, which will in turn create sales. The biggest problem to obtain the reseller ebook right is the amount of money that you will have to invest. Depending on who you do business with, the expenses of achieving private labeled |plr ebooks rights may be costly enough. Since many self-reliant writers spend a lot of time to compose their e-books, as said earlier, they may desire to be compensated adequately. The expenses on acquiring reseller e-books right may be considered a disadvantage to this unique business plan, but it also can have a utility. E-book authors that concern more for their work typically have accomplished better composition; this enriched content is evitable to sell. If you have hesitation on whether or not to create your own e-book or obtain the plr reseller rights to another, you are not only the person thinking so. There are a number of individuals wondering the same thought. Private label plr reseller rights are an amazing business opportunity for some, but not for all. There are many free courses on private label resell books rights on internet and you should check these out today.
I stumbled into the eBook writing business when I self-published Powerfully Recovered! Book came with the package. Much to my surprise, the eBook makes up about 20% of my sales and seems to lead maybe 3% of the eBook buyers into buying the hard cover version. But I really didn't expect the ebook business to take off until there was a decent reader. And I thought we'd have that long before now-you know, something I could take to the beach and even into the bathtub to read. That hasn't happened. It will, but we're not there yet. My next effort was How to Write A Non-Fiction Book Proposal through an ebook publisher, and I made some more money.
In other words, in spite of my skepticism, folks have decided ebooks are a tremendous value, even if they have to read them on less than desirable computer screens, even tinier Pocket PC screens or print out bulky copies. How to get a book written, although eBooks can be much shorter than hard copy books. How to convert your files into .pdf and html. How to set up the eBook for sale on the web. Of course, if you simply ghost an eBook you may not need to know about conversion and sales, but you're more likely to get eBook ghosting contracts if you do. And being able to convert a ghosted book into eBook format is a nice addition to your skills.
You can find everything you need with searches on Google, or you can buy the eBook I wrote - You CAN Make Money With eBooks - and save yourself some time and trouble. It's amazing what sorts of subjects can be produced and sold as eBooks. I recently completed the first go 'round of an ebook for a client. He has a captive audience which he will sell to first and then, based on that experience, we will recreate the book for a more general audience. Let your mind soar. What do you love? What are you curious about? There is at least one eBook you can write in there somewhere. Author's Bio: Anne Wayman has been freelance writing for over 30 years. Please Register or Login to post new comment. How to write a Formal Letter? How to Write a Narrative Essay? What are the things I have to take note of when writing an argumentative essay? Don't have the best rank in Google? For what reason aren't you utilizing "Social ingredients" App? What is the purpose of formality in academic writing?
As a bookseller eBook pricing is pivotally important to me. It impacts my daily business life and is often a source of frustration. I am bound to pricing as set by the publisher, evidently Amazon is not. Over the last few years a pricing structure has evolved where the list eBook price was the same or slightly lower than the trade paper. Evidently, Amazon intended to use the Kindle in the same way Gillette used the razor. People might pay for the Kindle but Amazon saw the real money in on going book sales. Or maybe Amazon was trying to emulate the Apple iTunes model and inject a little conformity into eBook pricing. Either way one thing was clear: this was a clear attempt to muscle in on the pricing of eBooks.
Amazon was putting the world on notice that they have the clout and the resources to set eBook pricing at any level they want. You have to admit, that for the average book buyer the pitch is great. 9.99 price per title is (depending on your point of view) disingenuous or a downright lie. 9.01-10.00 range. That is only 13.75%; a long way from 100%! Maybe. But that isn't really the point. The point is that when Amazon arbitrarily sets prices, everyone suffers. Authors are the biggest losers in this scheme since they are usually paid a percentage on the actual revenue derived from each sale. Publishers,book reps and booksellers also take a hit. But ultimately it is the consumer who suffers when decisions about what can be read, in what format and how much can be charged are made by any one large company. That is a monopoly we can't afford.
Publishing Hackathon was this weekend. As advertised, I participated and worked on an EPUB backmatter project. My awesome team consisted of me, Javascript/Ruby developer Max Jacobson (who's going to be even more highly sought-after when he finishes Rails school this summer), and TLC librarian Dianne Coan. When is a reader most receptive to reading suggestions? Right when they’ve finished a book of course! That’s why printed books have information about other books by the same author, the first chapter of the next book in the series and similar material at the end as part of the back matter. Back matter has existed pretty much as long as books have.
This includes the appendix, glossary, index, and bibliography. Back matter for digital books needs to be optimized to serve the needs of the digital reader. An informal survey by @suw indicates the most popular endmatter desires were other books by the same author and some information about the author. Digital back matter for ebooks is not constrained by having to proceed the publication; unlike print, digital back matter can be kept up to date with the release of new content. For instance, if an author publishes a sequel, that title could be included in previously published ebooks. It’s easy to insert a page listing an author’s other books at the end of an ebook, but how do you keep that list up-to-date?
What if you’ve developed a great recommendation system to do "if you liked Pride and Prejudice, you’ll like X"? The answer is to make use of the javascript capability of emerging ebook environments. Our project explores means of connecting to APIs from within an EPUB for the purpose of suggesting the user’s next read. An existence proof is the "widget" capability of the iBooks iAuthor platform. It allows the insertion of html snippets into extended EPUB. Unfortunately, the javascript capability of ebook reading platforms, like the future, is unevenly distributed. For this demo, we tested three reading EPUB environments, Readium, Readmill, and iBooks.
We modified the Project Gutenberg EPUB version of Pride and Prejudice to include hooks and data to other books by Jane Austen. Readium, which has been built as an EPUB3 reference environment, is the most capable for our purposes. It supports both javascript and connections to external web resources. In Readium, our EPUB displays the set of books by Jane Austen returned by the ReadMill API. The Readmill environment does not support javascript at all at this time, so ironically, we’re not able to display the Readmill API results, or the iframe embedded resource. Offline reading in Readium displays the resource embedded in the EPUB, similar to the iBooks version.
There were 30 projects in total presented at the end. Here's the list, along with my one sentence summary. Book Discoverability: A Graphical Solution Concept for browsing books as nodes on a graph. Book Discovery INSIDE the eBook This was us! Our demo crashed and burned. The popup screens from the wifi messed up the ebook reader display of embedded dynamic content. Website that recommends books by connecting them to cities. BookieGoer Website that helps you lend the books you've borrowed from the library. Booklvrs: Read. Discover. Meet. App that advertises the ebook you're reading to the people around you.
Website that multi-factor-matches you to books. BookMob Website that aggregates book recommendations from your twitter followers. Website that displays books as if they were on a bookshelf. I'm pretty sure there was more to it. App and Website that uses machine learning algorithms and your tweet about last night's party to combat the short attention span of Today's Readers. I may not have understood this one. Website that believes in judging books by their cover. Evoke Finalist and clear judging favorite! Pinteresty website that recommends books based on emotions categorization. Happy Chapter App that recommends books based on tags you click.
I read your Brain Brain-sensing rabbit ears that wiggle depending on your response to a book from a website. IGNITE Website that lets users rate romance novels for steaminess. Browser plugin that analyses what you read to better sell you books. Mobile app that sends you geographically appropriate quotes depending on where you are. Literary Trinket with Book Wish 3D printed QR-ish code baubles. Cooler than it sounds. Meadows Website that turns reading into a game where you earn points. Meme a book Website that turns books into lolcats. MovieReader Website that recommends books connected to the movie you just saw. NYPL Reinvent Analysis of NYPL metadata advocating a divorce of the library from its classification system. Website offering crowd-funded serial fiction (ebooks). Quiply Website that recommends books based on a user's video viewing.
Reading Tollbooth: A Gateway to Book Discovery Website to match kids to books. Something2Read Website that recommends books based on tags you click. Valerie's Baby App App that promotes literacy to a girl named Valerie by making sliding block puzzles and defining words at her. Visibrary Website that uses library data to make graphical book circles. Vookstore Website that turns ex-bookstore owners into book curation engines. Interestingly, only 3 of the 30 projects addressed ebooks at all, which seems a bit odd to me, considering the industry's ongoing transition from print to digital. The emphasis on apps (7) and websites (21) is partly due to Hackathon's theme of book discovery, but it also says something about the tech industry.
Apps and websites are what the NY tech industry is doing in 2013, not ebooks. Clearly, the publishing community developing ebooks and ebook standards needs to do more outreach to developers; the hackathon was a good first step. It's also worth noting the growing importance of geo-tagging and other non-traditional metadata. In the new world of publishing discovery, readers want books that fit their mode right where they want to be. Neither MARC nor ONIX know enough to help. My library friends should rest assured that the hackers did not at all ignore libraries. 1000 prize from NYPL was a factor, the ease of connecting to NYPL and OpenLibrary helped a lot. The RDA prize, it should be noted, went unclaimed.
Writing books for children may seem simple but in reality, it is not. The market for children’s books is so wide that there is a huge competition in this genre. This is great for the buyers but not for the creators! Here are some tips on how to create a children’s book that will invade bookshelves in no time. Successful Ebook Writer’s do their Time! I am likely not the first person to tell you there is HUGE competition in writing ebooks for children. Particularly because there are so many free ebooks available. This is great for the buyers but not so hot for the creators!
First things first. Here are a few key factors you need to know BEFORE you start tearing up the ebooks scene with your amazing writing. Open your mind to gather the information you need to be successful. It really doesn’t matter what sort of writing you are doing. If you aren’t tops in the grammar department you’ve got an uphill battle to climb. What you need to understand off the hop is you will never be perfect in grammar, nobody is. This means it’s important for you to always work on your syntax and grammar. That’s going to help you boost your quality of writing and build trust with your readers in due time. Get on the grammar train and never get off! My guess is-- if you’re a writer, then you’re also a reader. Very few writers don’t like to read.
That’s your platform to learn what you need to do in order to succeed. If you want to find yourself and your writing style you need to start picking up other children’s books and start learning from them. Read and read some more until you can’t read another page. This will put your on the right path to start writing your own e-books for children. Probably free e-books to start. Then when you’ve done your promotional time you can start rolling in the money! Next you need to understand how a story is written. Just think back to grade-school where you learned: the introduction, 2-3 paragraphs connecting your main introduction point, and then your final paragraph or conclusion.
KISS (Keep it Super Simple) is your best plan of attack. Do some reading on the technical side of writing an awesome kid’s book and you’re on your way! This is where you need to plan your story. Create the character. Find a title. Define the key factors or main points in your story. Look to figure out how long you want your story to be. Make sure you know your target audience. Are you writing for 5 year-olds or 10 year-olds? Keep it fresh and inviting and ultra-simple to start. Have just 2-3 characters and write no more than a 10 page book. In e-books for children the illustration and cover is the make or break factor.
Unless you are an artist too, you’ll need to hire someone to create your images and cover design. This is important because people buy with their eyes first, especially children. Keep the images fun, inviting and alive. Make sure they bounce off the page and grab the reader’s attention. I know this is a children’s book and the language level is low. But it’s critical that you hire a quality editor to go through your masterpiece to critique it and fix any grammatical errors or syntax flaws. People judge on first impressions so you need to make this one count. Make your book perfect and you will be rewarded. Hope these pointers help you write your first of many amazing e-books for children. And keep in mind that free e-books to start are a smart marketing move to get you noticed. Just don’t leave them free forever or it will be pretty tough to successfully climb your lucrative e-book mountain.
Many individuals are looking make to have money in several ways. These People are looking for the opportunities through which they would be able to work with their own pace and monitor themselves. If you are preparing for this side then it is commendable that you are looking to compose plr ebooks and to sell them. The distinction of reseller plr ebook has hastily expanded recently. Many readers are able to found it easier to buy plr ebooks against a favorable cost. In general, plr ebooks are readable on to the computer as well as they can be printed off. Since many people are there to purchase ebooks some individuals are taking this as an absolute opportunity to make money.
If you planned yourself properly and able to work hard success is at your doorstep. In addition, it may take a little longer span of time to write quality plr ebooks. You will also have to build strategies to sell them. Many individuals find it as a huge turn off although there are several alternatives. You need not necessary to create your own ebooks and sell them, instead, you can acquire the private label resell books right. This will allow you to estimate the work as you your own, edit the context and pocket the money from each sale of the books.
If you are comparatively newer to create plr ebooks then it is important to understand exactly how much hard work it needs. It justified in cost as many as the plr ebooks have at least hundred pages, however some have the more. It may take long to finish if you are interested in creating plr ebooks. Besides knowledge to that topic is an essential aspect while you are writing about. It is really important to make the ebooks success as we know nobody will be interested too purchase an ebooks with poor quality content in it. You can promote your own plr ebooks or can purchase the resell books from others. You have to find out the proper methods to market the ebooks to the public. It can take time depending upon the strategy you choose.
For this reason many of the individuals prefer to purchase the resell book rights that have already been created. As a consequence this allows spending more time on marketing causing the benefits in sales. There is a huge disadvantage if you planed to obtain reseller ebooks as far as money is concern. It may be really expensive to acquire the private labeled plr reseller right depending to whom you business with. Every individual writer may want to be compensated as they spent lot of time while creating there ebooks. On the contrary, this may be advantageous as well as far as business plan is considered.
Because ebook author are concerned to generate the better content. This will obviously be benefited as it will be easier to sell. You are not only the person who is confused to the fact that what is to be done, executing own book or obtain the plr reseller right from the others? There are a number of others individuals who are in such situations. Private label plr reseller ebooks rights are be an amazing business scope for some, but not for all. To gather more knowledge you should go through the several free courses available into the internet, many of them are absolutely free of cost.
Gone are the days, when someone needed information they would rummage through a vast list of reference books. People do not have that much time anymore and they would rather sit on their computer and read ebooks. Ebooks are excellent source of information and also provide bookmarks and pointers which will take you directly to what you are looking for. You don't need to go through the entire book to locate your information; all you need to do is look for the keywords. However with such comfort also comes the fact that most ebooks are expensive and all are not easily accessible to everyone.
Ebooks are important sources for research and writing papers, which might need you to go through large amounts of material and give many references. Not many are aware that ebooks can be viewed freely. May not be all the ebooks but some are available on the web for everyone's use. They are available in PDF formats and any topic you need to research on, just go to a search engine type in the keyword and PDF and you are more than likely to find many eBook resources that are free. These don't require any membership or logging in, you can view them easily.
Take a look at my web page - ebooks