User:Diabetes Reducer Reviews Tab2
Women with Diabetes may experienceDiabetes Reducer dryness of the vagina due to lack of lubrication or slow lubrication which is also caused by nerve and blood vessel damage due to poor blood sugar management. Diabetic women may also experience a loss in sex drive.
Many times these symptoms are reversible so people experiencing these symptoms due to poorly managed diabetes should not panic. Balancing your blood sugar levels along with regular exercise should improve your symptoms and in some cases eliminate the symptoms.Another problem that can occur with the blood vessels is atherosclerosis. This is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. Diabetics are prone to developing other diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol which all have can have a negative effect on blood flow and circulation. If atherosclerosis occurs in the arteries that supply blood to the penis, the blood supply may not be sufficient to achieve an erection. Even though an individual may be mentally aroused, the ability to have an erection may be limited because of the nerve damage and blood vessel damage.
Many people experience unnecessary depression due to the inability to perform in the bedroom. Depression not only affects the person going through it but can take a tole on close family and friends who have to interact with the sufferer on a regular basis. Both parties may experience a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Some sufferers have trouble getting out of bed and experience a lowered self esteem, a decreased level of self confidence and can become withdrawn and less willing to participate in social activities. Many people don't even realize that what they are experiencing is depression and close relatives and friends may not realize it either and may react a little aggressive and forceful towards the sufferer not realizing that this may only make the situation worst. Family and friends of diabetics should be aware that diabetics on a whole are susceptible to suffering from depression as they may have regrets about eating and living the way they did to get them to the stage of developing diabetes.