User:CBD Extract Review
Robin Quivers stated to peoples CBD Extract magazine "This wasn't about weight loss," who traced her health problems to steroid-based medication that she took in 1989 to regulate her menstrual cycle, "I was really trying to regain my health, and that's what it did." Robin Quivers lost over 70 pounds from the master cleanse. Impressive don't you think? If you take a look at Beyonce Knowles at this point in time you will notice that she looks fabulous. She obviously learned more about taking care of herself with this cleansing system. In matter of fact this system is used in other diet and you will find variations in books like "Maximize Your Metabolism" by Christopher Guerriero. I always say that when people claim originality they simply have forgotten where it came from. The Master Cleanse Diet, the lemonade diet, lemon cleanse whatever title you prefer has been around since 1976. It has worked consistently with those who stuck to it.
As in any diet or colon cleansing plan it has many critics, who say that it has very little merit and or doesn't work. Funny about critics they usually have never done a plan like this. They do to the original book and look it over and don't even realize that there are more secrets and additions to help a person to get through the plan. It is a tough one I will not kid you about that. The benefits far outweigh the "dangers" that the critics seem to infer. When you do a full body cleansing, you are going to experience a bit of discomfort. But you will never look at food the same again. When you feel and look younger, energized and in control of your life you will know it was all worth it.
Most people go through 10 days of the master cleanse system, some go even longer. This is a natural cleansing program. This cleansing program is geared toward cleaning your colon and other organs in your body. People have been known to pass Kidney Stones in the course of cleansing. People think that they lack energy because they are getting older and their metabolism is slowing down. The truth is that over the years they have built up so many toxins in their body that they are literally poisoning themselves! If you stopped eating just today, you will still be depositing gunk for the next 10 days. Now remember Elvis Presley? When they did his autopsy he has deposited over 35 pounds of junk in his intestines.