User:Organifi Green Juice

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For vegetarians, [1] though it is not possible for them to ingest milk protein, soy protein is a good option because it is formulated using organic ingredients. Soy milk, soy bean, and other soy products are recognized as rich in protein and the protein supplements developed from these components are rich in isoflavones, amino acids and fatty acids that most people are not aware that they have a huge role in keeping a healthy body.Other factors that increase your chances of developing the disease include smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or triglycerides, high homocysteine levels and being overweight. These are all risk factors you can do something about with diet, exercise and supplements.

If you smoke or have a combination of any of these risk factors, have your doctor schedule an ankle-brachial index, which compares the blood pressure in your arms and legs. Why? Because you may not feel any symptoms at first. Even if you do, they are easy to ignore.The most common early symptom is intermittent claudication - discomfort or pain in your legs that happens when you walk and goes away when you rest. You may not always feel pain; instead you may feel a tightness, heaviness, cramping, or weakness in your leg with activity, especially if you walk uphill or up a flight of stairs.

Like me, about 50 percent of people with PAD have blockages severe enough to experience IC. But even if you experience only occasional discomfort, get it checked out, since ignoring it can lead to gangrene and even amputation. It can also give you advanced warning that you may have a blood clot.Unless you have severe PAD, lifestyle changes and supplements may be enough to ease symptoms and possibly even reverse plaque build-up. A diet high in complex carbohydrates (whole grains, pastas), fresh fruits, vegetables and fiber - and low in salt, animal fats and refined sugar - is healthy for nearly everyone. But it's especially important if you have PAD.
