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The common perception with regard Apex Cleanse to obesity and weight gain is that it is caused by poor diet and lack of physical activity. While that is already an accepted fact, some medical experts also attribute these conditions to the lack of proper functioning of the liver. The liver is considered as one of the most important organs in the process of metabolism. Thus, when it malfunctions, it is believed that results range from fat cells not being digested and processed properly, which in turn leads to abnormally high fat deposits and bloated abdomens. Thus, these experts advocate the cleaning of the liver as an important factor in treating the causes of obesity and being overweight, and not just solving the condition itself. Head pain and some allergic reactions may also be traced from the inadequate functioning of the liver. Rashes, hives, hay fever and headaches are just some conditions that may be caused by the poor function of the liver. By cleansing the liver, harmful substances like toxins can be flushed out of the body, causing less occurrences of seasonal allergies and head aches for some people. When undergoing a liver cleansing program, many people have attested to the inclusion of liver cleanse herbs in order to make the process more effective. A good detoxification and cleansing program for the liver can further be improved with the use of supplements that hasten the process. One of these herbs is milk thistle, also known as silymarin.

This herb has been proven through medical research as an herb that improves liver function by promoting the growth of cells in the liver, and protecting them in the process. Inflammation and infection of the liver's cells, as well as oxidation, are said to be reversed by taking products or supplements that contain milk thistle. Other popular liver cleanse herbs being used in other parts of the world are licorice root, fenugreek and yellow dock Licorice root is an herb popular in most Asian countries known to enhance liver and digestive health. In Japan, there is a popular concoction prepared to specifically support the health of the liver. On the other hand, fenugreek contains antioxidants that not only has a positive effect on the liver, but on the entire digestive system as well. Lastly, yellow dock is an herb widely used in North America, Europe, India and China believed to enhance the function of organs related to metabolism and detoxification. The main advantage of this herb is that it helps in blood purifying. It must be remembered though that these herbs and supplements exhibit their full potency when taken together. They work in a synergistic manner rather than individually. Thus, for a totally healthy liver, it is advised that a proven program be coupled with these herbs and supplements.