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As we view the other [https://wedoreviewforyou.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-system-review/      The Lost Book Of Remedies Review          ] side of the coin we encounter new, antibiotic resistant types of germs which even our own government admits there are virtually no remedy for. Where does that leave us especially when a crisis arrives and medical assistance is non-existent? It has been shown that colloidal silver tends to kill off any germs which have been designated as antibiotic resistant however the product is still not approved by our government. Go figure if you will that we are now shoved up against a wall with no defense mechanism at our disposal and the authorities fail to approve an effective method of fighting these impossible germs.
The early American [https://wedoreviewforyou.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-system-review/      The Lost Book Of Remedies Review          ] settlers turned to placing silver coins in their milk jugs to prevent spoilage as they traveled across the hot, scorching plains in hope of a better life. There are literally hundreds of thousand of cases were CS was successfully used to combat various diseases. I could relate many issues within my own family.
I keep a small colloidal silver machine in my bug out bag specifically to create CS under emergency conditions. The process is reality very easy and takes only a few hours for a batch to be completed. As a review colloidal silver is a mineral element that you can unusually purchase in any health food store. The cost is great considering the size you buy and when you contemplate that you can make a gallon of CS for less then you can buy a few ounces of pre-made for. I like making my own because than I know how it is prepared.
Stun guns have been in the minds and imaginations of people for decades. They have made their way from the science fiction books and movies into the modern world of personal security. They provide a way for each of us to protect ourselves without doing any permanent damage or death. Modern technology is always advancing personal security and the stun gun is constantly growing in popularity. However, it is important to know about this type of protection and what it means to carry one and even more so; the effects of using one.
I have heard many people who have been misled by the media expressing their main complain of an unfounded fear of turning blue. Those few people, (two or three to be exact) that have turned a shade of blue-gray have done so due to poor final CS filtering. When you ingest large sized particles of silver into your body the human waste system can not get rid of the product. These particles often accumulate and over a period of many years turn the skin a bluish shade. By proper filtering you safely eliminate this issue completely.
The first thing that you need to know is what a stun gun is. This type of weapon also known as a taser is non-lethal. The way that it works is by discharging a shock to the nervous system that is high voltage but low amperage. This means that the electricity is powerful enough to be effective and will go through heavy clothing, but not strong enough to come back through the user of the taser.
Silver has been used for hundreds of years to fight infections and diseases. During the black plaque of the Middle Ages no members of the royal family died. Why? Because they ate off of silver plates and drank from silver goblets on a daily basis. In effect they built up immunity to any type of dangerous germs. Remember we stated above how the CS should be properly filtered? Well during the royal households daily meals small bits of silver were dislodged and digested. Over their life span it turned their skin a shade of blue and thus royalty become known as the "Bluebloods".
This electric shock is enough to render any attacker immobile for a small amount of time without doing any serious lasting harm or damage. This electric shock is only discharged by the squeezing of a trigger on the stungun. The discharge acts on the neural and muscular systems in the body. These actions cause the muscles in the body to over work themselves resulting in low blood sugar which is needed for the muscles to function correctly. The inability of the muscles to function properly is what makes the attacker to become immobile for a while.
There are several differ
[https://wedoreviewforyou.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-system-review/  https://wedoreviewforyou.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-system-review/  ]
[https://wedoreviewforyou.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-system-review/  https://wedoreviewforyou.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-system-review/  ]

Latest revision as of 05:10, 7 March 2019

The early American The Lost Book Of Remedies Review settlers turned to placing silver coins in their milk jugs to prevent spoilage as they traveled across the hot, scorching plains in hope of a better life. There are literally hundreds of thousand of cases were CS was successfully used to combat various diseases. I could relate many issues within my own family.

Stun guns have been in the minds and imaginations of people for decades. They have made their way from the science fiction books and movies into the modern world of personal security. They provide a way for each of us to protect ourselves without doing any permanent damage or death. Modern technology is always advancing personal security and the stun gun is constantly growing in popularity. However, it is important to know about this type of protection and what it means to carry one and even more so; the effects of using one.

The first thing that you need to know is what a stun gun is. This type of weapon also known as a taser is non-lethal. The way that it works is by discharging a shock to the nervous system that is high voltage but low amperage. This means that the electricity is powerful enough to be effective and will go through heavy clothing, but not strong enough to come back through the user of the taser.

This electric shock is enough to render any attacker immobile for a small amount of time without doing any serious lasting harm or damage. This electric shock is only discharged by the squeezing of a trigger on the stungun. The discharge acts on the neural and muscular systems in the body. These actions cause the muscles in the body to over work themselves resulting in low blood sugar which is needed for the muscles to function correctly. The inability of the muscles to function properly is what makes the attacker to become immobile for a while.

There are several differ https://wedoreviewforyou.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-system-review/